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Showing posts from October, 2011

Seattle Love Sea Feasts: October 14-16, 2011

After forgetting to pack our passports, picking up Jonny at the SkyTrain and then driving back home we made it to Seattle a lot later than desired. We were pooped and disgruntled because the Taco Bell at Sunset Drive in Bad Town is gone! We had some greasey Jack in the Box instead and became a little happier just because we weren't hungry anymore. Food, beer, or sleep ... easy mood changers :-) So, instead of getting our Crab Pot on Friday we stayed in Sea Tac and had some drinks at a cool little Karaoke bar. Well, it wasn't cool- but it was funny. We tend to make friends wherever we go. We hung out with Tymey, Bella Bottom, and a cowboy! Jonny is pointing at you! This thing kept hitting me in the head all night. Why didn't I move? I don't know. I guess I liked the Halloween reminder. That is me! I am P!! And.. I like hammers. Jonny is sporting Chi's new hat. It is a purple pig. We hope he likes it! Jonny wishing he had an ass to show off and he also doing a good